Legal Proofreading Service for Law Firms
Standard Rate
£0.45 per minute
Priority Rate
(processed immediately and returned once complete)
£0.55 per minute
At OutSec Legal, we are aware of the pressures placed on legal professionals and their firms to provide rapid and efficient responses to their clients.
Our proofreadings and legal document production and editing services are designed with those needs in mind.
What is Proofreading?
Proofreading is the process of finding and correcting mistakes in text before it is printed.
At OutSec Legal our proofreaders evaluate and correct grammar, punctuation, formatting, spacing, spelling, omitted and repeated words as well as typographical errors. This is useful for firms that need to ensure accuracy and consistency in written documents and communications with clients and other parties.
Law firms often use our service when they need to ensure that two documents (an original and a newly typed document) are identical.
Here it saves two members of their staff being occupied in the checking process, thereby reducing costs and enabling fee-earning staff to income generate.
Who Processes our Proof Reading Work?
All our proofreaders understand all legal terminology including commonly used Latin terms. This makes our proofreading team one of the best in the industry. All of our proofreaders in our legal document production team have signed strict confidentiality agreements.
OutSec's Legal document production team is made up of proofreaders who have worked in the legal sector for at least 10 years or more.
All members of OutSec Legal's document production team have been handpicked for their knowledge and proofreading skills and expertise. In addition, our legal document production team and proofreaders are Microsoft Word experts meaning they have advanced word processing skills including indexing, tables, footnotes and automatic numbering to name a few.
Many of OutSec Legal's proofreaders and legal document production specialists have CILEX qualifications or Legal secretarial qualifications, making them one of the best in the industry.
A Trusted UK Legal Document Production Company
Secure Legal Document Production, Formatting & Editing Service
OutSec Legal are Cyber Essentials Certified; and GDPR compliant. We are independently audited for Cyber Essentials annually. At OutSec Legal we employ bank-level security so your documents and data stay safe.
Quality Legal Document Production
We guarantee excellent proof reading services. Our proof reading team have a minimum of 10 years of experience working in the legal sector together. Many hold CILEX and legal secretarial qualifications. This enables us to provide the best quality proof reading services to our clients
Guaranteed Turnaround Times
Fast turnaround times to ensure your proofread documents are returned to your practice on time. We also offer an urgent proofreading service for those who are under time pressures.
How Our Legal Proofreading Service Works
Provide your legal document that needs proofreading
You will need to speak with us so we can discuss how to send your legal document(s) to us safely and securely. We will make a note of your instructions regarding the proofreading (and amendments you may wish to make to the document whilst the document is being proofread).
Your document will be proofread by our proofreaders
Your document will be allocated to a legal document proofreading specialist who will proofread your document and make any necessary amendments as per your instructions at the outset.
Receive your completed proofread legal document
Once the file has been proofread and any amendments completed by our legal document proofreading specialist, you will receive your file securely and be notified that it is ready to download.
What Makes OutSec Legal The Best Legal Transcription Service & Legal Document Production Service in the UK?
OutSec Legal has been designed exclusively for the legal sector to offer the best quality remote legal typing and legal document production, formatting and editing services at cost-effective pricing;
OutSec Legal's services are perfect for sole practitioners, barristers, mediators, law costs draftsmen, law firms, in-house legal departments and barrister's chambers;
OutSec Legal are GDPR compliant;
OutSec Legal are Cyber Essentials certified which is audited and assessed independently;
OutSec Legal only use experienced legal secretaries, legal copy typists, notetakers, minute takers, legal document production and editing specialists, all of whom have signed strict confidentiality agreements with us.;
With OutSec Legal there is no need for expensive dictation equipment;
OutSec Legal offers a free dictation app to customers. This allows legal dictation files to be recorded on your smartphone or tablet;
With OutSec Legal there are no contracts, no monthly fees, no minimum spends or hidden fees. The service is on a pay-as-you-go basis, meaning you are in control.
OutSec Legal offers copy typing, fix and format, file conversion and legal authoring services to name but a few.
OutSec Legal provides itemised billing each month, so you know what you have spent and when;
OutSec Legal are able to work with your existing legal precedents, legal templates or lists of standard paragraphs;
Our document production specialists can even improve upon existing templates or precedents for you to improve productivity;
OutSec Legal offers multi-voice transcription. We can transcribe recorded remote meetings and provide Zoom transcription., Microsoft Teams transcription & Skype transcription;
We can also work directly with your existing case management software such as Proclaim, ALB, Ochresoft, Intelliworks, LEAP, Visualfiles and many more.
OutSec Legal can integrate with leading digital dictation software platforms such as BigHand, Dictamen, Olympus ODMS and Philips Speechwrite.
OutSec Legal is based in the United Kingdom and is a UK-registered company.
Frequently Asked Questions
At OutSec Legal, we are always happy to answer any questions you may have.
That is why we have put together a searchable set of frequently asked questions just for you:
Would using speech-to-text software not be quicker?Unfortunately, speech-to-text software still struggles with accuracy. There are also concerns regarding the security of recordings and the processing of these. You may recall the article in the Guardian about Apple where we learned that: "Apple contractors regularly hear confidential medical information". And it wasn't just Apple: Google "admitted that contractors can access recordings made by Assistant, after some of its recordings were leaked". Here at OutSec Legal, we have developed our own app for you to record and upload your audio transcription files securely and easily to us. Our professional legal transcriptionists will provide you with a more accurate transcription than you could obtain via speech-to-text software and they are covered by our confidentiality contracts. So with OutSec, you know who is processing your data and that it will be safe.
How will you keep my data secure?OutSec Legal has been transcribing confidential digital recordings and legal digital dictation files securely for over 20 years. Our software has been developed around stringent encryption standards required by the legal services sector. We are registered with the ICO. OutSec Legal are also Cyber Essentials certified, which is required by all contractors who contract with UK Gov. OutSec Legal leverage the Amazon/AWS Cloud to provide a highly secure and geo-redundant infrastructure, which provides the resilience and availability demanded by modern-day businesses. OutSec also ensures that every client transaction is protected with the latest SSL security. OutSec’s FileManager system is password encrypted, with each client having their own username and password. The OutSec servers are secured using the latest encryption protocols: Simplified disaster recovery and automatic failover Encryption at rest and in-transit Encrypted data transfer (256-bit using a 2048-bit key) SHA-2 hashing for all certificates. TLS cryptology.
What if I need help or support?You are able to contact OutSec Legal by email, phone and even by Skype. We will be happy to speak to you and provide you with any help or support that you need in using our service.
Why is OutSec Legal the leading UK legal transcription company in the industry?OutSec Legal has been designed from the ground up to provide services which law firms, barristers' chambers and other legal practices want and need. OutSec Legal only transcribe legal digital dictation audio and video files to offer our unique set of services. These include legal transcription (single voice or multi voice) as well as legal document production, formatting and editing services. OutSec Legal only transcribe files from legal practices, they do not transcribe files from other sectors. This makes our offering unique from other transcription companies in the market, where work is farmed out randomly to huge banks of typists (none of which have ever worked in the legal sector). ​ At OutSec we believe in having dedicated legal typists, transcriptionists and secretaries. Consequently, for each fee earner, we would allocate two experienced legal typists, transcriptionists or secretaries to carry out their work. All our transcriptionists have at least 10 years of experience in the legal sector. This allows your dedicated legal transcriptionists to build a bond, in the same way as an in-house secretary would. ​ Our legal transcriptionist team and our legal document production, formatting and editing team know exactly how legal documents should be laid out. This is because most have CILEX or legal secretarial qualifications in addition to their experience meaning they are the best in the industry. Our passion for excellence and an eye for detail, alongside financial investment in the very latest technology, ensure OutSec Legal provide a first-class service with data security and confidentiality at the forefront. Our close working relationship with our clients ensures that the OutSec Legal experience is one of excellence and a natural extension of your existing office.
However, if you have any additional questions why not get in touch.